Prayers and affirmations, gratitude and blessings are a language that spans thousands of years of human civilization on Mother Gaia. There is a deep memory in all of us to speak this language of light and frequency. This language that comes from our Heart and Soul and moves through our physical experience.
Many cultures and communities on the planet use prayer flags and prayer poles to “embody” the practice of prayer and gratitude. To speak to their gods, deities, and higher power through ceremony and ritual.
It’s a practice that speaks to all beliefs and spiritual practices. It’s a basic human experience we can all share and bond with.
There are cultures and faiths that have a prescribed set of instructions and teaching with this practice and they should be held in deep respect. However, if you do not practice that culture, religion or faith that doesn’t mean you can’t participate. In my humble opinion, what is at the core of this practice is tuning in to your higher guidance, explore what “speaks” to you and create something that expresses beauty, love, hope, healing, and wisdom.
My prayer pole example is something that works for me. It may look different for you. I share my example as a way of inspiring you to find your own way. There are many examples online of beautifully handcrafted flags that can be strung on a line or a pole. There are peace poles created by Community all over the planet. We created prayer poles when my husband passed away, we had one for each of the 4 directions. People wrote prayers and tied them to those poles. They stayed at our front door for many years. Eventually, I was able to burn the poles and flags in a very special bonfire that felt appropriate for me. Burning doesn’t have to be part of the practice. There are peace poles on the planet that will be there for as long as they last.
I happen to deeply connect with rainbow/chakra colors so I use strips of fabric that represent the rainbow spectrum. The pole I chose was floating in a special pond that I visit. A pond that provides healing and comfort to me. I asked the spirit of that place if I could have the pole and the answer came back yes – it wasn’t until I was walking back to my house that the guidance came through that this would be my personal prayer pole. Initially, the prayers will be for my own healing journey.
I write my prayers in the form of a gratitude sentence. As though it is here now. My advice is to write your prayers with love in your heart – that is the frequency that promises the highest and best outcome for all concerned. If you are sad about a thing that you wish to create a prayer for; then focus on something that brings you joy in your heart first. Write the prayer, affirmation or gratitude statement in present tense as though it is here now while you feel that joy in your heart. There is a lot of content online that can instruct you in the art of writing affirmations and gratitude statements.
Again, in my humble opinion, I believe it is OK to write prayers for your own personal journey. Our own healing helps heal the collective. My photo shows many strips but I actually started with one strip – the pink one, and I will continue as guided. It can be a mix of personal and planetary prayers.
It is wonderful if you can have your prayer pole or flags in a place where you will see them. It is that visual, tactile, reminder that will activate the heart frequency and build connection to the healing forces in our lives. I wanted to have mine where I can see it all day long. That the forces of Nature will interact with throughout the seasons. The strips will become tattered and faded and eventually degrade. When the time is right I will burn them in a solstice or equinox bonfire.
There are sooo many ways to explore creating and sustaining a prayer pole or flags through its lifetime. Just by opening up to the idea you will find information coming to you by way of inner guidance. It’s not an intellectual pursuit though, it’s a body/heart pursuit. Enjoy the journey.
~~Blessings Be~~~