Cosmic Flood

We are flooded with information regarding COVID19 every minute of the day on our devices and newspapers, social media and agency websites.  But there is also another kind of flood – for me, it’s a cosmic flood of healing and light that is sweeping the planet.  Leading up to COVID19 I was getting strong intuitive messages that didn’t make sense but they do now. The messages were there to help me prepare for this time. Perhaps you are receiving intuitive sensings ? There are several spiritual mentors and guides that I follow.  They help me make sense of what I feel/sense, kind of like earth-bound co-pilots.  One of those people is Lee Harris.  He has a presence on many platforms and soooo much of his content is free.  His content has helped me navigate some troubling and challenging times and – the happy times too –  has helped me hone my ability to channel my Higher Wisdoms and receive information. I recommend all of his content but especially his mid-March energy update and April update.  Truly helpful advice and wisdom as you navigate feelings, sensings, desire for more connection during this time.  Always, you have an inner radar for alignment to information.  If this feels right you can find his stuff on; Instagram – @leeharrisenergy Facebook – leeharrisenergy888 YouTube – LeeHarrisEnergy  Remember to take time to put your hand on your heart, think of something that fills you with love and breathe. ~~Blessings/Healing to all and to the front line workers working for us all. 

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